Theory: chocolate inspires one to write

March 26, 2006

Has anyone else noticed that you suddenly have massive amounts of crap to say, that you need to write down ... after you eat chocolate?

I don't have any conclusive evidence yet. I just know that the last two times I parked myself in 3 Cups reading a book, sipping tea, and eating a chocolate bar... this happened:

3 Cups Tea Tray with writing all over it

(the scribbles on this tray will appear in future blog entries)

Ok, so I guess I really need to remember to carry a notebook with me wherever I go, but there's a certain charm to writing around the stains on a tea tray.

I've bought five chocolate bars of varying cocoa percentages, and I intend to test this matter. Anyone else is more than welcome to participate in my study. Just... uh... eat chocolate and try to write... or something.