December 19, 2005
Raleigh Bloggers Meetup, Tuesday December 20th
Last Raleigh meetup of the year tomorrow.
Given that the holidays are right around the corner, we're not expecting a huge turnout this time around, but Dave, Bill, and I will be there.
If you have all your shopping done, feel free to stop by, have a beer, and chat :)
What: An open meeting to talk about blogging, podcasting & whatever's on your mind
When: Tues @ 6:30 p.m.
Where: Cafe Cyclo, in Cameron Village
2020 Cameron St
Raleigh, NC 27605 (map)
(919) 829-3773
Who: Bloggers, Podcasters, or anyone who is interested in blogging-related conversation.
Posted at 09:21 PM | Permanent link
December 17, 2005
In Brief
The links we make.
My latest guilty web pleasures are Rojo and Reddit.
Rojo is a web-based feed aggregator, similar to bloglines, but with a slicker user interface and more tagging functionality. ...although I'm starting to suspect that it is having trouble reading Atom 1.0 feeds, which is a bummer because that's the reason I started looking for "not bloglines" in the first place.
Reddit is one of the Y-Combinator SFP startups. It's a user-driven web content "sifting" system that seems to be quite good at getting the best articles to rise to the top. I've known about Reddit for quite some time, but only recently have I really become addicted to it.
In other news...
The College Theme Paper: He vs. She: Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.
Rebecca: Asshole.
Gary: Bitch.
Rebecca: Wanker.
Gary: Slut.
Rebecca: Get f****d.
Gary: Eat s**t.
Man Finds Diamond Ring In His Unlocked Car: The note says, "Merry Christmas. Thank you for leaving your car door unlocked. Instead of stealing your car I gave you a present. Hopefully this will land in the hands of someone you love, for my love is gone now. Merry Christmas to you."
Love. Fucking. Blows.
Ohio Man Convicted of Murder for Shooting Rampage at Case Western Reserve University: Remember that dickhead who decided to shoot up our school on the last day of finals in 2003? He's getting his.
Bush takes questions from an unscreened audience: Oh, to live in a world where this would not come as a shock...
Come Celebrate the Joy of Programming, with the World's Most Unbureaucratic Computers: An essay written in 1986 by RMS. Very interesting history of the MIT AI Lab, the AI Lab culture, and the Lisp wars of the 1980s. Even cooler when you get down to the last few paragraphs.
I cannot work for LMI, even though they are willing to let my work be partly public. I can make compromises in fighting a war, but when it comes to building something good such compromise is useless, since it would make whatever I build fail to be good...Instead I have chosen an ambitious project that strikes at the root of the way that the commercial, hostile way of life is maintained...I start on Thanksgiving...
Vijay, the world's most desperate venture capitalist: Ah, startup humor.
Google's new anti-phishing FireFox extension may expose a security hole: Apparently this is also true of the PageRank feature of Google Toolbar.
Posted at 01:41 AM | Permanent link
Georgia Aquarium
Last weekend I took a trip down to Atlanta to visit the new Georgia Aquarium, which apparently is, like, the largest aquarium in the world (badass).
It was a tiring weekend, but fun.

More photos here.
Posted at 12:20 AM | Permanent link
December 05, 2005
Raleigh Bloggers Meetup, Tuesday December 6th
It's that time again.
Join us for tomorrow's Raleigh bloggers meetup
What: An open meeting to talk about blogging, podcasting & whatever's on your mind
When: Tues @ 6:30 p.m.
Where: Cafe Cyclo, in Cameron Village
2020 Cameron St
Raleigh, NC 27605 (map)
(919) 829-3773
Who: Bloggers, Podcasters, or anyone who is interested in blogging-related conversation.
Posted at 07:21 PM | Permanent link
December 02, 2005
Ladies and gentlemen, the George W. Ernst blog...
(if you studied Computer Science at Case, you'll find this to be wildly hilarious; otherwise move along, nothing to see here)
Posted at 11:39 PM | Permanent link