Bloggercon weekend wrapup

February 13, 2005

Today marks the end of a very busy weekend compounded with very little sleep. Overall, it was great though.

The Triangle Bloggers Conference on Saturday was pretty awesome. A lot of interesting ideas were discussed which have really got me thinking, and I was able to meet a lot of really awesome people. Anton, you did an excellent job. Thank you!

On Sunday, I went to Dive Winer's Scripting News Brunch in Chapel Hill. Unfortunately it just so happened that I was seated at a side table away from Dave and the main crowd and conversation, but I got to have a nice conversation with Dereck Lane, anyway.

In both cases I think that I probably could have been a better participant if I had gotten more sleep the night before, but it happens.

One of the really exciting things that came out of this weekend is the organization of a regular meetup of Triangle bloggers (thus far, organized by Anton) in Chapel Hill. I'm planning on attending as I can and am really looking forward to it.