Just how golden is Josh Staiger?

October 31, 2004

19:56:47 joshstaiger: I have a presentation to give tomorrow and I haven't had any time during the week to work on it
19:56:49 joshstaiger: so I have to do it tonight
19:57:30 edawg1701: what is your presentation on
19:58:01 edawg1701: "Just how golden is Josh Staiger?" -- presentation title
19:58:55 edawg1701: "At the tender age of 4, Josh was touched by King Midas. Since then computers have bent to his will."
19:59:08 joshstaiger: hahahaha
19:59:16 edawg1701: thats how you should start
19:59:21 joshstaiger: where do you come up with this stuff? :)
20:00:09 edawg1701: its like I get all the random shit of being on drugs without having to take the drugs

Thanks, Evan :)