Happy things about this weekend
by Josh Staiger
Went and saw the new Harry Potter movie on Friday night. It definitely has a different feel than the first two movies, but I really liked it a lot. At first after the movie finished, I felt a slight annoyance that they left out some of the more interesting explainations from the book, but then after thinking about it for a few seconds and considering that the books are getting longer and longer, I think they hit the important points and made a good movie of it.
Saturday was fun as well.
Went to my first company picnic. Played in the first annual (and possibly only :) co-op vs. full-timer football game. We certainly gave those youngins what-for! Lead the team in touchdowns :)
Went to another Durham Bulls game, which ended up being a really good game. Was the first time I saw a winner.
Out to Chapel Hill to eat after the game, then back to our apt to...um...play Monopoly. Adam dominated and the rest of us were really stupid, but as a bonus I got to see a game of Monopoly actually finish for the first time ever.
Learned Ben Folds' "Brick" on the piano. If only I could sing :P
Hung out in Barnes and Noble and ended up having a really hilarious conversation with this Japanese woman who apparently really, really needed advice about where to put a book case in her living room. She sketched out the layout to her house on paper in detail and was asking me where I thought it should go. Her English was so broken that I only understood about half of what she said, but she was so friendly that I really wanted to help. We went on like this for about half an hour. Then somehow towards the end of it, she brought up Karate and she wanted to call me about something having to do with Karate and I'm not sure what. I gave her my number. I have no idea how I'm going to understand her if she calls.
My life would make a good sitcom...