Creative Weekend
by Josh Staiger
This past weekend was quite the creative weekend for me.

On Saturday morning, I made it out to the Cleveland Museum of Art with my Dad. Right now they are showing a collection of Jasper Johns' "number" pieces. I really liked these a lot. After looking at some of his other works, I think that I would like to read a bit more about Johns.
I also decided that I really like Roy Lichtenstein as well.
On Saturday afternoon, CIA was having an open house for prospective students. Given that my sister is thinking about going there, she participated, and I decided to tag along for the fun of it. I've walked through CIA studio space a few times now (many times when I wasn't supposed to be there), and each time I have really enjoyed doing so. There is just something really cool about being in the middle of so much creativity, seeing all the projects in progress. There's just something very raw and beautiful about it all, much more so in my opinion than just walking through a gallery.
It makes me wonder how other professions could benefit from that kind of an atmosphere. What would computer science be like if we set aside a significant portion of time just to think of ideas for projects and run with them?
At any rate, given that this was more of an "official" tour, I also got to see the computer art department, where they work on interactive applications and a lot of three-dimensional modeling. One student even showed us one of his past homework assignments: animating a guy moving a really heavy box. Wickedly cool! If only I could have homework like that. Makes me wonder what would have happened if I would have gone that route...
On Sunday, I went to Playhouse Square for the first time to see Hamlet with Amy Chan and friends. The play was totally badass! I enjoyed it a great deal. I remember reading Hamlet in eighth grade and barely understanding a word of it. Needless to say, things have changed. That Bill Shakespeare certainly knew what he was doing (who knew?) :) When I was down in North Carolina, I remembered hearing about a Shakespearian play company that put on performances around Chapel Hill. I may just have to check that out when I get back down there.